
MykoFoam sample


MykoFoam is an insulation panel that excels in thermal efficiency, durability, breathability, as well as moisture and fire resistance.

MykoFoam is 100% composed of renewable industrial residues, green chemistry and mycelium, powered by biotechnology.

We offer 1200 x 600mm sheets at 50mm and 100mm thicknesses.

Icon with cloud and CO2 written in it with a sign in front of it meaning is carbon sequestering
World with two arrows around, meaning is 100% circular

Carbon Sequestering

100% Circular

Ear with wave and arrows below, meaning it has acoustic properties.
Waves in between two lines, meaning it has thermal properties
Flame with a sign in front, meaning it is fire retardant
Arrow pointing down with currency inside, meaning its affordable.

Fire Retardant


Blue clock with three lines on the left, meaning less time and easier to install.

Easy to install




Renderized image of an office with different applications of MykoFoam such as desk divider, acoustic panneling.
Domestic building render with different applications of MykoFoam such as insulative plasterboard, loft insulation.